

Validate your external attack surface exposures and test your defenses with continuous red team operations.


连续 recon of internet-facing known and unknown assets reveals previously unknown risks.


Test defenses with real-world attacks to validate exposure and security controls.


Triage critical exposures with expert validation and deep insight into all attack paths.


Address critical issues immediately with same-day reporting from expert red team exercises.

向量的命令: 持续的红队

Attackers never stop attempting to access your environment. Your security team shouldn’t either. 向量的命令 provides continuous 红色的合作 to put your defenses to the test and exploit gaps before attackers do. Proactively test your external attack surface with ongoing red team exercises, 专家的指导, and an industry-leading 外部攻击面管理 tool.



Know your attack surface better than the attackers do with constant reconnaissance of your internet-facing assets through Rapid7’s industry-leading Command platform. Get continuous visibility into shadow IT or previously unknown exposures like exposed web services, 和更多的.




Rapid7’s red team experts leverage the latest tactics, 技术, and procedures (TTPs) to safely exploit the external exposures and test your security controls with exercises like opportunistic phishing, 外部网络评估, 违反模拟, 紧急威胁验证.



Drive prioritization with same-day reporting

Address critical issues right away with same-day, detailed findings from successful red team exploitations, including multi-vector attack chain paths and expert-curated list of risky assets most likely to attract a malicious actor.




Get prescriptive guidance from expert advisors on how to best remediate critical exposures and strengthen your overall security posture against successful attack chains.



  Rapid7矢量命令 外部攻击面管理 传统的一次性测试 传统红队交战
核心用例 连续 external discovery and ongoing exploit validation through the lens of an adversary Visibility into public exposure of known and unknown assets Often compliance-focused, in-depth evaluation for a very specific, defined scope Deep 1:1 engagement over a defined period of time (typically 1 month) with a set objective
自动外部扫描 Scope-dependent Targeted external scanning; not automated
正在进行的红队行动 - - Point in time; not continuous
紧急威胁应对审查 - Point in time; not continuous Point in time; not continuous
经过审查的攻击路径 -
优先曝光 - Point in time; not continuous Point in time; not continuous
专家补救指南 -
当天发现 & 报告 不适用 One-time; post-engagement One-time; post-engagement


  • 精英的经验
    Decades of combined pen testing and security experience
  • 专业
    Background in defense, tech, education, and medical networks
  • 认证
    Highly accredited team with certs in CISSP, MCSE, OSCP, more



  • 什么是矢量命令?

    矢量命令是托管的, continuous red team service that enables security teams to proactively assess their external attack surfaces and identify gaps in defenses by providing an attacker’s view of the internet-facing assets and validating exposures with continuous Red Team operations.

    It combines Rapid7’s expert Red Team with our industry-leading external attack surfacement management technology.

  • 什么是持续红队?

    连续 红色的合作 is the regular use of simulated penetration attacks designed to closely mimic the attack vectors of a real-world adversary. Red team experts use the latest attack 技术 and tactics to identify gaps in your defenses.

  • Which 红色的合作 技术 are included in 向量的命令?

    Core tactics include: opportunistic phishing campaigns; 外部网络评估; post-compromise 违反模拟, 紧急威胁验证.

  • How is 向量的命令 different from traditional pentests and red team exercises?

    Traditional pentesting and 红色的合作 activities happen over a defined period of time and provide a point-in-time snapshot of your attack surface. 连续 红色的合作 is an on-going assessment of your defenses with same-day expert analysis for successful exploits and remediation guidance.

  • How is 向量的命令 different from continuous automated red team (CART)?

    与CART服务不同, 向量的命令 does not require your team to have offensive security experience. Our expert red team operators create attack vectors unique to your defenses, establish persistence against breached assets, 寻找信任关系, and react in real time in order to build attack chains just like an attacker would.
